PGD in Geotechnical & Coastal Engineering Programme
PostGraduate Diploma (PGD) in Geotechnical & Coastal Engineering Programme
The Center for Geotechnical and Coastal Engineering Research, University of Port Harcourt proposes to run the Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Geotechnical & Coastal Engineering Programme as part of its mandate on “Human Capital Development through Research in the Geotechnical and Coastal Environment”.
The Philosophy of the PGD Programme of the Center is to sustain the culture of turning in Engineering Graduates that would bridge the gap between the University and the Industry in the areas of Geotechnical and Coastal Engineering through Innovative Research and Development.
To produce hands on ready industry and educationally driven Graduates whose knowledge would be very relevant in solving industry-based problems through innovative research breakthroughs in the Geotechnical and Coastal Environments.
To bridge the educational Gap between Graduate and Undergraduate education. The PGD Programme would also bridge the skills gap between the industry and the class room worlds in the areas of Geotechnical and Coastal Engineering.
The Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Geotechnical & Coastal Engineering programme is aimed at preparing and training interested students to the requisite level of advanced studies, hence, bridging the gap between the undergraduate and the post graduate levels of studies.
To achieve the aim of the PostGraduate Diploma Programme in Geotechnical & Coastal Engineering, the following under-listed objectives will be pursued:
1. Sourcing of highly qualified resource persons from both the academic and industrial worlds to deliver knowledge-filled and experienced-based lectures.
2. Organization of conferences, seminars and workshops in the relevant areas of interest.
Flood, Erosion and Ocean encroachment around Coastal civilizations have made infrastructural development in that domain highly challenging, hence man is forced to thinker ways of living with the Sea environment. Exploring challenging Soils, Marine and Coastal environment therefore becomes inevitable, both for Geotechnical research and Infrastructural development.
Besides, the harsh Onshore Oil and Gas exploration, exploitation and processing activities deriving from Security threats and militancy in the host Onshore communities has forced International Oil and Gas companies (IOCs) to extend the frontiers of their activities Offshore, into the deepwaters region. This further necessitates advanced research activities into the Coastal environment.
The main aim of the programmes of the Center is to produce a hands-on, Industry-ready Geotechnical Engineers and Coastal Engineers with a wide-range of Job Opportunities in Marine & Coastal Environment, Shore Protection, Artificial Intelligence, Dams, Port & Harbour, Geotechnical Services, Ocean Survey, Construction, Consultancy, Coastal Infrastructure Research & Development.
To realize the above objectives and qualify for the award of the Post Graduate Diploma, the student must take and pass all the prescribed courses in the chosen area of study, participate in any required field study, present research seminars and produce a supervised thesis on an approved research topic relevant to the aim and purpose of the Center establishment.
All lectures for every Programme shall be administered / delivered on modular basis from 08.00am to 04.00pm (with One Hour (12.00-01.00) break) from Mondays to Fridays. That is, 40 hours lecture per week per Course which is approximately equal to 14 weeks Semester of Academic work for a 3 Credit Units (2-Hours lecture plus1 Hour Practical or Tutorial per week) Course. Examination for a Course is taken after the Lectures on Saturdays, while the Continuous Assessment is done within the lecture periods as Practical reports, Test, Group Discussions, Field Trips reports and Assignments.
To quality for sitting for a final Examination in a Course student is expected to have 75% lectures attendance of All Lectures in that Course. The overall Examination score in a Course shall be 100% which shall be comprised of:
Examination - 70%
Continuous Assessment- 30%
Every student is expected to score a minimum of 50% in the overall evaluation for a Course in order to PASS, otherwise he or she shall be deemed to have failed the Course. In which case, the student is allowed a second final chance to retake a Supplementary Examination in the Course which cannot scored above a C-Grade. The Examination Grading shall be:
Score( %) | Grade | Grade Point | |
70-100 | A | 5.00 |
60-69 | B | 4.00 |
50-59 | C | 3.00 |
0-49 | F | 0.00 |
The full-time option is for a minimum of 12 calendar months and a maximum of 24 calender months
2. The part-time option is for a minimum of 24 calender months and maximum of 36 calender months.
To be admitted into the PGD in Geotechnical & Coastal Engineering programme a candidate must have graduated with at least a Third Class Degree in Civil, Mechanical, Marine Engineering or other related Engineering Discipline from any NUC Accredited University.
S/Nos | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units |
1 | GCE 701 | Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering | 3 |
2 | GCE 702 | Basic Coastal Engineering | 3 |
3 | GCE 703 | Basic Structural Analysis | 3 |
4 | GCE 704 | Basic Fluid Mechanics | 3 |
5 | GCE 705 | Numerical Methods and Mathematical Modelling | 3 |
6 | GCE 706 | Applied Statistics and Data Analysis | 3 |
7 | GCE 707 | Engineering Geology | 3 |
8 | GCE 708 | Engineering Hydrology and Hydrogeology | 3 |
9 | GCE 709 | Foundation and Geotechnical Engineering Design | 3 |
10 | GCE 710 | Coastal Engineering Design | 3 |
11 | GCE 711 | Dynamics and Vibrations of Structures | 3 |
11 | GCE 712 | Computer Aided Design in Coastal and Geotechnical Engineering | 3 |
12 | SGS 702 | Management and Entrepreneurship | 2 |
13 | GCE 713 | Technical Seminar | 3 |
14 | GCE 700 | Research Project | 6 |
Total | 45 |
GCE 701 - Basic Coastal Engineering (3 Credits).
Mechanics of wave motion; wave refraction, diffraction and reflection; wave forecasting; shore processes; planning of coastal engineering projects; design of seawalls, breakwaters, beach nourishment and fixed and floating installations; dredging; risk analysis.
GCE 702 – Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering (3 Credits).
Physical properties of soils, classification systems, soil exploration, permeability, consolidation, compaction, and shear strength; laboratory tests conducted to determine the physical and engineering soil properties needed for application in geotechnical engineering design.
GCE 703 - Basic Structural Analysis (3 Credits).
Introduction to structural analysis; classification of structures; general description of plane frame; joints; supports; stability and determinacy; Basic concepts and assumptions for structural analysis; Equilibrium; Analysis of Statically Determinate Structures. Plane trusses. Beams and Frames (Axial force, shear force and moment diagrams in beams and frames). Deflections, Method of Superposition, principles of virtual displacement; principle of virtual force using energy method in beams, frames and trusses, Influence lines and moving loads, Analysis of statically indeterminate structures; by force method (method of consistent deformation) – frames and trusses, Introduction to stiffness method of analysis; slope deflection method; Moment distribution method, introduction to matrix methods; 1 DOF systems, trusses. Sway in moment distribution; yield line analysis and strip methods for slabs. Plastic methods of structural analysis. Introduction to limit state analysis of reinforced concrete and steel structures.
GCE 704 – Basic Fluid Mechanics (3 Credits).
Fluid properties; statics; kinematics; ideal gas law; conservation of mass; linear momentum and Newton's Second Law; conservation of energy; Bernoulli’s equation; control volume analysis, similitude and hydraulic models; homogeneous flow in pipes; fluid drag, boundary layer basics. Fluid measurements; determination of fluid properties; visualization of types of flow; experiments in closed conduit flow turbo machinery tests; open channel and gravity wave demonstrations
GCE 705 - Numerical Methods and Mathematical Modelling (3 Credits).
Application of numerical methods to geotechnical-related engineering problems; development, evaluation and comparison of various techniques for root finding, curve fitting, numerical integration, simultaneous linear algebraic equations, matrix methods; probability and statistics and ordinary differential equations in geotechnical-related engineering applications.
GCE 706 - Applied Statistics & Data Analysis (3 Credits).
An introduction to applied data analysis, designed to enable students to effectively collect data, describe data, and make appropriate inferences from data. Students are expected to communicate effectively about statistical results and to use a statistical software package for data analysis
GCE 707 – Engineering Geology (3 Credits).
Principles of physical and engineering geology; properties of minerals, rocks and soils; active surface and subsurface processes; applications to the siting, design, construction, operation and maintenance of engineered works and the protection of the environment. A three day field tip is required (a field trip fee is charged at registration).
GCE 708 - Engineering Hydrology & Hydrogeology (3 Credits).
Occurrence, distribution and properties of natural waters of fee earth; measurement and engineering analysis of hydrologic phenomena including precipitation, stream flow and groundwater, hydrologic design of water resources development and management projects. Geologic conditions determining fee distribution and movement of ground water and their effect on fee hydrologic properties of aquifers.
GCE 709 - Foundation and Geotechnical Engineering Design (3 Credits).
A design course covering prediction of settlement, analysis of the stability of slopes, prediction of bearing capacity of shallow and deep foundation and determination of earth pressure acting on retaining structures. A general course in Geotechnical Engineering design for undergraduate and for graduate students not primarily interested in the Geotechnical field but the desiring additional study beyond the introductory undergraduate level.
GCE 710 - Coastal Engineering Design (3 Credits).
Loadings and Functions of ocean engineering structures, including sea walls, harbor structures, sea-going vessels, offshore structures and underwater vehicles; analysis of structures including trusses, beams, plates, shells and arches; introduction to stress and failure analysis; introduction to finite element analysis (FEA) including computational mechanics of ocean engineering structures, using FEA.
GCE 712 - Computer Aided Design in Coastal and Geotechnical Engineering (3 Credits).
The use of computer aided design packages in Coastal and Geotechnical engineering design – hydraulics, geotechnical engineering, work scheduling.
SGS 702 - Management and Entrepreneurship (3 Credits).
Business Environment, General Management, Financial Management, Entrepreneurship Development, Feasibility Studies, Marketing & Managerial Problem Solving.
GCE 713 – Technical Seminar (3 Credits).
Responsibilities and obligations of new Geotechnical &. Coastal.. Engineers; professional ethics; membership in professional societies and professional registrations; case studies and lectures presented by staff and practicing engineers.
GCE 700 – Research Project (6 Credits).
Every Student will be required to carry out a Research Project related to Geotechnical and/or Coastal Engineering under the close Supervision of a Supervisor. This Research Project will be examined at the end of its completion.
- Graduation Requirements
To be awarded the PGD degree in Geotechnical & Coastal Engineering, students’ must have passed all prescribed courses with a total credit unit of 66 units.